Boolean Expressions in SQL Select list

Use the case construct:

select 'Test Name', 
    case when foo = 'Result' then 1 else 0 end 
    from bar where baz = (some criteria)

Also see the MSDN Transact-SQL CASE documentation.

SELECT 'TestName', 
    CASE WHEN Foo = 'Result' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS TestResult
FROM bar 
WHERE baz = @Criteria


SELECT 'Test Name' [col1],
  CASE foo
    WHEN 'Result' THEN 1
    ELSE 0
  END AS [col2]
FROM bar
WHERE baz = (some criteria)

You can also use:

    'Test Name', 
    iif(foo = 'Result', 1, 0)
from bar 
where baz = (some criteria)

I know this was asked a while back, but I hope this helps someone out there.