what do you call a person who does everything for wealth or only cares about being wealthy [closed]

You seem to be looking for a noun!

How about, moneygrubber?

A definition of moneygrubber is "a person who is aggressively engaged in or preoccupied with making or saving money." (Dictionary.com)

So, in your example sentence. "This person is a moneygrubber."

You could also try Scrooge as an allusion to the Dickens character. As in,

"The guy was a real Scrooge!

Which is a really fun sentence, in my opinion! But, if you are talking about Shakespeare and you bring up Dickens, you may be opening up a whole "nother" can of worms...

Avaricious or one of its synonyms.

Avaricious, covetous, greedy, rapacious share the sense of desiring to possess more of something than one already has or might in normal circumstances be entitled to.
Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness: the cheerless dwelling of an avaricious usurer.
Covetous implies a powerful and usually illicit desire for the property or possessions of another: The book collector was openly covetous of my rare first edition.
Greedy, the most general of these terms, suggests a naked and uncontrolled desire for almost anything—food and drink, money, emotional gratification: embarrassingly greedy for praise.
Rapacious, stronger and more assertive than the other terms, implies an aggressive, predatory, insatiable, and unprincipled desire for possessions and power: a rapacious frequenter of tax sales and forced auctions.
from dictionary.com's "synonym study" under 'avaricious'

Mercenary refers to interest in money specifically, rather than general acquisitiveness; I am not sure if this is really what you want, but you say so.

'Covetous' would describe someone who envies what others have, 'miserly' describes the unnatural pleasure in money once gained, but acquisitive describes just the desire to possess, itself.

Acquisitive : strongly desirous of acquiring and possessing


We can become quite acquisitive; we need the latest in everything. We might begin to think that fast cars, fashionable clothes, or the latest software will make us happy.

1955 A. M. Lindbergh Gift from Sea vii. 114 The acquisitive instinct is incompatible with true appreciation of beauty.

1998 Independent 6 June i. 28/4 Smackheads tend to involve themselves in what the police call ‘acquisitive crimes’—shoplifting, burglary and car theft.

OED-3 (Requires subscription)