I would like to write "how it works" in other way

Could you tell me the other way to say "how it works" ?

I am now making a presentation material and trying to explain how the new system works. I would like to describe it in other words because I think it may be a little casual for technical presentation. Are there any alternatives for the phrase, or can I use "how it works" for a technical presentation ?

Solution 1:

consider modus operandi TFD

A method of operating or functioning.

As in:

This year, our [new technical system] will follow a different modus operandi.

Solution 2:

It all depends on your presentation style/contents/skills.

Here are some suggestions I've come up with:

How it functions, how it operates, how it is used, how it is put into practice, how it can be applied, how it goes.

Solution 3:

"System Algorithm" or "System Process Flow"