Conda - offline install / update

I'm trying to offline update xlwings in Anaconda / conda.

From, I downloaded the most recent package, and put it into "C:\Program Files\Anaconda2\pkgs"

From Cmd, I've tried a number of different combinations, but I can't seem to get it to update the package... For example:

1) conda install xlwings --offline
2) conda install xlwings --offline xlwings-0.10.2.tar.gz
3) conda update xlwings --offline
4) conda update xlwings --offline xlwings-0.10.2.tar.gz

Attempts 2 & 4 (I've tried using the full directory for these as well) result in unrecognized command.

Attempts 1 & 3 results in: enter image description here

First download the rellevant package-name.tar.bz2 file, (from anaconda repository)

Open command prompt, cd to apropiate directory and type

conda install package-name.tar.bz2

This should work.

From my experience the process is:

  1. on a computer that is connected to the internet install the relevant packages.
  2. copy the relevant tar.bz2 files form the ~/anaconda3/pkgs folder
  3. in the offline computer run conda update name_of_packge.tar.bz2 --offline .

you may want to run conda index on the pkgs folder

Another option is to use conda pack. This allows to transfer entire environments from online to offline.