xcode 7.1 swift framework app builds but not archiving

Solution 1:

xcode requires that bitcode for all embedded frameworks is generated during archiving.

Copying the release build of framework/dylib isn't enough

archive the framework and THEN use the archived version of the framework from then on.

to get xcode to archive a framework (normally it only archives apps), set the build setting 'skip install' to NO for the framework target!

Solution 2:

You can make the following if you can build the framework (for example if you use your own framework)

enter image description here

This will allow your framework to provide the required bitcode.

Another alternative option may be applicable if you dont have watchOS and Apple TV (according to docs)

For iOS apps, bitcode is the default, but optional. If you provide bitcode, all apps and frameworks in the app bundle need to include bitcode. For watchOS and tvOS apps, bitcode is required.

this option require to set ENABLE_BITCODE for every target in buildSetting to NO, but as expected this forbid to use bitcode functionality.

More about bitcode here