Is there a way to dodge the one-time passwords?

I find it quite annoying that every now and then, when I log in to my SWTOR account, Bioware asks me to enter a one-time password sent to my e-mail address. I find that quite annoying.

I doubt there is, but is there a way to skip that question? Like with the Security Key, or just something I haven't seen in the options?

Without getting a security key, no there is not.

It will ask for a one-time password every time you log in from a different computer/IP or mobile device, or if you reset your browser data (such as cookies). It is all part of BioWare trying to protect you from hackers.

I do suggest getting the physical security key or the app for your phone. This will help keep your account safe from hackers.

Technically, there is - but I don't know if adding a security authenticator to your account will make you any happier.

On the plus side, you'll never be asked for a one-time password again. On the down side, you'll have to use your key generator to get the authentication code whenever you sign on to your account with the browser.

Still, a small price to pay to make sure your account is going to be hard to compromise IMO....