Will Fledge ever show me some gratitude?

When I woke up at night in my room at the Knight Academy, I heard a very unexpected sound coming from the room next door. Investigating, I found Fledge doing push-ups, trying to get stronger. I've helped him twice now, and he's still not satisfied. Will he ever succeed and show some gratitude for my help?

Fledge's sidequest is a multistage one. Every stage is unlocked by your advancement in the main quest.

There are 3 stages:

  1. Unlocking the sidequest. Fledge will be painfully doing push-ups. When you speak to him, his push-ups count will be around 5. Give him a stamina potion.
  2. Another boost. Fledge's push-up count will be up to 50ish. Give him another stamina potion.
  3. Reaping the reward. Fledge's push-up count will be up in the 3000's. He will give you 5 gratitude crystals.

You have to wait a while (read at least one step forward in the main quest) before seeing the results of giving Fledge a stamina potion.

You need to help him by giving him a stamina potion one more time (for a total of three times) in order for him to show gratitude.

He will show his gratitude by:

Giving you 5 gratitude crystals.