Penalty for "Game Over"?

I'm not sure where I picked up this habit, but nowadays when I play a video game, if I ever get to the point where the screen is about to announce a "Game Over", I immediately shut off the console so that the "Game Over" doesn't register.

I think I'm trying to keep my play record immaculate, in case it keeps track of how many game overs I have or something. My question is, is there any penalty to getting a game over in SS? Does it keep track of your game overs anywhere, or am I just being unreasonably paranoid?

There is no such penalty for dying/getting a game over (aside from the fact that you died) in Skyward Sword. There is also no 'death counter' of any form.

Still, I don't think your paranoia is unreasonable! It is a common habit among gamers it seems.

When you get a Game Over you'll respawn at the last door you went through, with six of your hearts. I don't think that it tracks the number, but if it does there's no penalty for dieing a lot. You won't get any fairies, potions, bombs, etc. that you used back though, so you may want to do that anyway. An easier way to do that is to just hit the Wii button and pick restart though, since it doesn't save until you tell it to at a save point/after a dungeon.