Screen Time blocks Google websites because YouTube is restricted

Solution 1:

Your problem is that Google, as part of its single sign-on (SSO) process, also logs you into YouTube. For most of the Google applications, it can set cookies that are valid on *, but for YouTube, it redirects you to with a sign-on token; you can see this URL briefly flash up when you log in.

It's this redirect that's tripping up your filter. As described in other answers, you can restrict your filter to, or you might be able to explicitly whitelist

Solution 2:

Yes. The idea is to show you how a site embeds another so screen time appears to be working as intended.

Fix this by white listing the sites Google embeds in the sites you need to ask them to change how they construct their web sites. Or choose a different search provider. (Or don’t use Google sites in general).

enter image description here

This is highly confusing in practice since when the OS uses a search provider, you don’t always see the network requests. Try changing your search provider to duck duck go and disabling web previews in your browser app / system settings to get an easier set of variables to juggle while you sort out which places you want to block is how I pick these issues apart (in general).

The above picture is how I set up Safari for easier triage of blocked sites. You may need other settings if you use third party browsers or to understand if they respect the Safari settings.