WinSCP claims that Ubuntu server folder is full, but folder is on a 2Tb free system [duplicate]

I have a SCSI disk in a server (hardware Raid 1), 32G, ext3 filesytem. df tells me that the disk is 100% full. If I delete 1G this is correctly shown.

However, if I run a du -h -x / then du tells me that only 12G are used (I use -x because of some Samba mounts).

So my question is not about subtle differences between the du and df commands but about how I can find out what causes this huge difference?

I rebooted the machine for a fsck that went w/out errors. Should I run badblocks? lsof shows me no open deleted files, lost+found is empty and there is no obvious warn/err/fail statement in the messages file.

Feel free to ask for further details of the setup.

Check for files on located under mount points. Frequently if you mount a directory (say a sambafs) onto a filesystem that already had a file or directories under it, you lose the ability to see those files, but they're still consuming space on the underlying disk. I've had file copies while in single user mode dump files into directories that I couldn't see except in single usermode (due to other directory systems being mounted on top of them).

Just stumbled on this page when trying to track down an issue on a local server.

In my case the df -h and du -sh mismatched by about 50% of the hard disk size.

This was caused by apache (httpd) keeping large log files in memory which had been deleted from disk.

This was tracked down by running lsof | grep "/var" | grep deleted where /var was the partition I needed to clean up.

The output showed lines like this:
httpd 32617 nobody 106w REG 9,4 1835222944 688166 /var/log/apache/awstats_log (deleted)

The situation was then resolved by restarting apache (service httpd restart), and cleared up 2gb of disk space, by allowing the locks on deleted files to be cleared.