M1 BigSur keybind to swap "Option + ArrowKey" to "Control + ArrowKey"? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Here's how you can get ⌃ Control+arrow keys to work like you describe. Copy the following property list into ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict (you can create the directory if it doesn't already exist):

    "^\UF703" = ("moveWordForward:", "moveWordForward:", "moveWordBackward:");
    "^$\UF703" = ("moveWordForwardAndModifySelection:", "moveWordForwardAndModifySelection:", "moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection:");

This will set up ⌃ Control+arrow to navigate to the beginning of the next word (by using OS X's normal navigation three times: to the end of the current word, end of the next word, then back to the beginning of the next word). I also included a version that works with ⇧ Shift so you can select text as you go.

Caveat: this will only work in Cocoa apps, but I think the normal ⌥ Option+arrow navigation does too. Also, make sure to relaunch your apps!

Solution 2:

Things you might try. I have not tested these to see if they will perform the function you need.

There's a free, open-source utility for remapping key commands for Mac OS X called DoubleCommand. It's a kernel extension so it works at a very low level.

Another free program that the DoubleCommand people recommend that you check out is KeyRemap4MacBook. You need to use one or the other; they'll conflict if they are both installed on your Mac.