How do I create new methods and attributes for built-in datatypes in python? [duplicate]

I want to create new methods for str datatype. Here's what I tried

class str(str):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def work(self):
        # Just for testing

Here, when I initialize strings using str() this works but wrapping them around simple quotation this raises the error AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'work'

Like this:

b = str("Hello world")

Works as intended with stdout "works"


a = "Hello world"

Raises AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'work'

I want to create new methods such that they work with these cases :

str("foo").work() # <- This actually works :D
bar = "foo";

Thanks for the help.

Solution 1:

This can't be done, since str is one of the immutable types in Python. Among the immutable types are bool, int, float, tuple, string, frozenset and perhaps a few more I don't know about.

With other types, you might be able to do something like this:

class MyClass:
    def __str__(self):
        return "my class"

def print_me_quoted(self):

mc_old = MyClass()
MyClass.print_me_quoted = print_me_quoted
mc_new = MyClass()

# both now have it

It's still a spectacularly bad idea, to change the behaviour of a class by monkey-patching it like this, but it can be done. Expect your editor or IDE not to like it, or to understand it - you'll see warnings.

If you try this with str:

def print_me_quoted(self):

str.print_me_quoted = print_me_quoted
mc = str(10)

You get this TypeError:

TypeError: cannot set 'print_me_quoted' attribute of immutable type 'str'

You could do it on your own version of str:

class Str(str):

def print_me_quoted(self):

Str.print_me_quoted = print_me_quoted
mc = Str(10)

But of course that does not change the standard behaviour of strings - which is exactly the point.