How can I import projects (React) from a public sandbox to a local project folder?

There are a lot of examples on StackOverflow written in CodeSandbox for React, and I am wondering how to download the files into a local folder that I could edit and alter in an editor like Atom.

For example, I want to use the Sandbox example ( given as an answer in this question (Add and remove data to table - React).

The only way I can think of doing this is by a similar process below:

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app

Then copying and pasting all the files individually into my-app and doing npm install, then npm start. But I do not feel this is an efficient way to do it, especially when the projects have a lot of individual files.

I have not worked much with React, or Sandbox, so I get a little confused when in Sandbox I do not see an App.js file for a React project, yet the project still runs (I am guessing this is through the index.js file). This might only apply to the Sandbox code I linked in this question.

Let me know if further information is needed.

You can download the project as a zip

  1. Extract it
  2. open in terminal
  3. npm i
  4. npm run start and it should pop up in your browser at localhost:3000

In the projects package.json, there is a field called main which you can use to set the entry point of the application. This can be used instead of having App.js. More information available here