what is the path to adb binary installation

default path of adb binary installation on ubuntu:


also you can locate path from terminal:

locate android-sdk/platform-tools/adb

no matter which os you are using. it always under android-sdk/platform-tools/

To find the path for a specific binary installation,open a terminal and run.

locate <name of binary> | grep bin

For example.

locate adb | grep bin

This will give an output as follows.

aditya@aditya-desktop:~$locate adb |grep bin  

From this list,You may use the required path.

NOTE:- locate is not realtime. If you install adb and then use locate it will not find the binary. You first need to update (or wait for it to update) the database locate uses.In such case whereis can be used.

To use whereis,open a terminal and type

whereis <name of binary>

For example.

whereis adb

This will give an output as follows.

aditya@aditya-desktop:~$ whereis adb
adb: /usr/bin/adb /usr/bin/X11/adb /usr/share/man/man1/adb.1.gz