Why does LMMS depend on wine?

I was uninstalling wine, and I saw that it also uninstalled LMMS at the same time. Thinking it was just something weird that happened, I went and tried lmms - naturally, it didn't start, saying it was uninstalled. So I tried sudo apt-get install lmms, and it listed wine1.4 as a package to be installed.

Why does LMMS need wine to run? It seems kind of counterintuitive/silly that Linux Multimedia Studio needs to be run as if it were made for Windows, not Linux.

Edit: My system is fully updated, and here's a picture of my terminal output when I try to install lmms. Note that all the other components, as listed by Uri, are installed completely: enter image description here I also tried sudo apt-get -f install, sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get autoclean, and none of those helped.

Solution 1:

LMMS supports the native Linux LADSPA plugin specification and the VST/VSTi standard for Windows plugins. (...) Like all other mechanisms for VST support in Linux LMMS depends on WINE to instantiate those plugins, and WINE's volatility makes it difficult to predict which plugins will run.

Source: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/introducing-lmms-linux-multimedia-studio

Solution 2:

Package lmms does not actually depend on wine. Rather, lmms recommends lmms-vst-server, which in turn depends on wine, and such recommended packages are treated as dependencies by default.

To install lmms without its recommended packages including wine, you may prefer to use:

apt-get install --no-install-recommends lmms