MacOS finder low fps

Solution 1:

Firstly refresh rate & FPS are not even slightly related. Refresh rate is a constant (the number of times a second your physical screen changes content), FPS is a variable.
Finder simply doesn't need high FPS all the time. Why on earth would you need 'gaming-level' response just to look at files on a screen?

Also, Finder FPS is responsive to your actions.
If you do start dragging things around quickly, the FPS goes up to compensate. If you quickly dash back to iStat to check, you'll see the figure is higher, then will rapidly drop away again.

If VSCode is constantly ramping the FPS up to 60, then it is just badly coded & wasting energy. Even YouTube will only lift the FPS to the rate of the video currently playing. Any more would just be slightly heating up your room, nothing else.

From my recent background running support for an online gaming structure for the past decade, "bigger better faster more" culture makes this FPS misinformation a constant bane to support staff. People just have the wrong idea of what it's for & how it works. There has been for the past few years an 'internet meme' of massive fps being "better" for gaming. This, so people think, is "better" even if your game is running 120 FPS yet your screen can only refresh at 60.
This is, if you think about it carefully, patently absurd.