Open source 4-way split screen on macOS? [duplicate]

Is there some sort of clever hack of achieving that, because I did not find anything. I have a 27" Mac and everything is still kind of huge.

Solution 1:

No - you get two windows in the current implementation. One on the left and one on the right.

I suppose the notification center slide over could be considered a "third window" but you can't put an application window there - it's just a system tray of sorts.

I would look at a program like Divvy on the Mac App Store for customizing a workspace with multiple tiled windows. It's not split view, but it's far more flexible and able to make use of the 27 inch display space to quite a granular basis.

Solution 2:


You can use Rectangle to achieve this for free.

Rectangle is a window management app based on Spectacle, written in Swift.

After downloading, installing, and granting the app accessibility permissions in System Preferences, you'll be able to enable the default keyboard shortcut scheme, which allows you to press ctrl + opt + U/I/K/J to snap a window to the top left/top right/bottom right/bottom left, respectively. By assigning four windows each to one of these four positions, you can create a four-way split screen view (and if you enable Dock and Menu Bar hiding, you might be able to get a bit more screen real estate, if needed).

Solution 3:

I can recommend:

  • Spectacle which is free, you can move and expand windows to sides and corners with keyboard shortcuts
  • BetterTouchTool which is paid-for, and includes drag-to-edge to size windows to sides or corners, among many other features