After connecting 3rd external monitor typing lag starts, Macbook Pro 2016

Have macbook pro 2016 and connected 3rd external monitor. Then all monitors including macbook screen have typing lag. But let me clear about there is no mouse lag OR when I move the application window like chrome or jet brains IDE like pycharm no window movement lag.

But when I start typing in IDE or browser's search bar. I can see clearly that there is typing lag. And about the monitors and cables. I have a LG Ultrawide 5K and Apple Display 27inch (apple display connected VIA mini display port to thunderbolt by apple official tool)

I am not very sure why macbook pro 2016 having such a problem on? One of the cable is LG's original and the other one is apple's thunderbolt changer. By the way as grafic card Pro has Radeon Pro 460

Any idea what is causing this problem and how to solve this?

Had the exact same issue and the moment I connected my apple wireless mouse to the USB, the problem went away completely!!