Is there a generally accepted antonym for Well done! ?

I mean something like :

"That was lame"


Context: A feedback app in which a bad performance by a user has to be responded with a mild rebuke. So hard luck is not an option. I would like to say something like Bad job.

It doesn't have to be a single word, as Well done is neither. I am looking for a disapproving tone or something that expresses dissatisfaction. It should contrast Well done to the extent that it makes clear to the user that he screwed it up

Solution 1:

"Well done" is an idiom, and there are lots of synonyms: "Bravo", "Good show", "Great work", "Nice one" and so on.

For reasons of politeness, there are fewer short phrases that mean the opposite. Praise is given readily. Criticism needs more explanatory surrounding words, or euphemism.

So (at least in Britain), instead of saying "Badly done", someone would typically instead explain what's wrong with the work: "I think you could have improved it by ..."

Still, there are a few options:

  • Poor show
  • Bad show
  • Could do better
  • Not good
  • Badly done

Of course, if you're comfortable with being actively rude, you can drift into stronger words:

  • awful!
  • terrible!

Or even swearing (my example is mild):

  • crap!

Solution 2:

You can say 'Badly done', which is the exact opposite.