What does the slang word "can" mean?

Solution 1:

The first two mean toilet or bathroom.

The noun can also means

a metal or plastic container for holding film on cores or reels.

When filming is finished, the film will be put into the can. Therefore, in the can means completed.


In the can:

Completed, as in about a hundred pages of her next book are in the can. This usage originated in filmmaking to describe a completed motion picture, when film was literally put into a can or canister. [Slang; c. 1930]

[The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms]

Your example:

Finally, our planning is completed and we can begin construction tomorrow.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

The first two examples do mean toilet.

The third example is a totally different meaning. The idiom is actually in the can

  • (of a film, piece of music, etc) having been recorded, processed, edited, etc
  • (informal) arranged or agreed the contract is almost in the can


While I do not have a reference, I suspect the latter sense is derived from the former.

Solution 3:

"In the can"--a term for an entire film or a subset of shots that are all finished shooting; also denotes when a director has the take that he wanted.

It refers to any project or plan that is ready to go. Think canned fruit or veggies...