How to back up non-standard directories in my user profile with Windows Backup?

As you've already realized yourself, referencing the files through the My Computer branch may not be desirable because it may treat the folder like a normal folder and not a profile folder.

The thing is, the folders that are not listed are not part of your profile. They just happen to be stored in the same location.

The folders that you can select for backup inside your profile all have special meaning to Windows. Your Dropbox folder doesn't mean anything to Windows. It's just another plain old folder.

Which is why you would want to select the folder through the plain old My Computer branch in the backup wizard ;)


So, one question remains, will this pose a problem for your backup?
Possibly. But I doubt it's for the reason you assume

I'm almost certain all selected locations are backed up in identical ways. The major difference will be how the data will be restored.

For example, your My Pictures folder, will always be restored into your My Pictures folder. No matter where on your system it is located. You could have moved it to Y:\Something\Users\James\My Pictures and your pictures would end up there.

Your folder C:\Users\James\Dropbox\... it will always be restored to C:\Users\James\Dropbox\.

I'm sure the distinction goes a bit deeper than fixed paths. But I'm sure the biggest part in the distinction is how the data is labeled for later restore.

You can use DataGrab to backup your entire profile, including all the folders/settings in oyur user profile.

enter image description here

You can download it here.