What is the meaning of the phrase "Hold the Pen"?

Solution 1:

This saying comes from the following quote: “When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.”

What the quote says is pretty simple. All through our lives, we have been influenced by people, society, books, TV, family and so on. We let others have a lot to say. What the quote is saying is that no matter what, we shouldn’t trust someone else to take decisions about your life, because the moment you let that happen, it becomes their decision; but even though they might want the best for you, they don’t know you as much as you know yourself. It’s your life, so why would you let someone else decide what’s best for you?

So in the sentence you heard: "I want you to hold the pen on this", I take it that what they are saying is that you should be responsible for this matter or subject, without letting anyone influence or advice you, as you well sensed.

I hope this helps you.

Solution 2:

I work in the UK civil service and this is a common phrase - meaning you are responsible for the content and drafting but are likely to be commissioning content from others.

Solution 3:

I understand this phrase to come from insurance broking. "Underwriting" is another terms that comes from this industry. An insurance broker firm may be authorised by an insurance firm to enter into insurance contracts falling within pre-agreed parameters on behalf of the insurance firm. Back in the day, this would have involved signing the contract on the behalf of the insurance company.