How to create a dynamic prop name in React?

If you are using es6, you can define the dynamic prop:

let dynamicProps = {"dynamicKey":"someString", "dynamicKey2":"someString"};


let someVariable = "xyz";
dynamicProps[someVariable] = value;

then use the spread operator:

<MyComponent {...dynamicProps} />

Inside MyComponent -

let props = {...this.props};

Now you can use Object.keys on props to get all dynamic prop names.

Edit: Added an example

class Test extends React.Component {
  renderFromProps() {
    return Object.keys(this.props)
    .map((propKey) =>
  render() {
    return (
      <h1>One way </h1>
     <h1> Another way </h1>
      { this.renderFromProps()}

const dynamicProps = { name:"Test", type:"String", value:"Hi" };

  <Test {...dynamicProps} />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root">

It's possible to do this with JSX syntax alone with spread attribute and computed property name:

<MyComponent {...{ [dynamicPropName]: "some value" }} />

An inline way (very ugly and not recommended) is using a expression to define an object:

<input {...(el.required ? {required: true} : {})}>