Does "building effectiveness" affect all manageable structures?

Some managers will raise the "effectiveness" of a building. Do all buildings (that can have a manager) benefit from this stat?

Foreman: Effectiveness increased and job quality reduced by 10 (Max 20)

I get that a production facility, like a ranch or a steel mill, will run more efficiently with a higher effectiveness (e.g. produce more goods). But what about a service facility, such as a Dock, teamster's office, etc? Do the tiny trucks move faster, or collect more goods in a run?

Am I wasting the the Foreman's skill on a service facility, and just lowering their job quality? Or does it somehow make them more efficient?

Solution 1:

Any building that has "effectiveness" will benefit from increasing it. Crops/farms produce more, factories produce more goods with the some input of raw materials, construction offices build faster, teamsters move more/faster, and docks decrease the amount of time between ships the higher the effectiveness.

Unless you have a job shortage, the foreman manager is a catch-22. He increases effectiveness but decreases job quality. If the job quality drops enough, workers will leave for other jobs. If you don't have a full work force, effectiveness drops.