Will it be possible to activate Windows XP (SP3) after April 8, 2014?

I get that Windows XP SP3 (...) Support Ends April 8, 2014 and I get that this means: (from the site linked to above)

  • there will be no new security updates
  • [no] non-security hotfixes
  • [no] free or paid assisted support options
  • [no] online technical content updates

All fine and well, but what about activation? Will I be able to (re-)activate my legacy Windows XP systems - maybe (or especially) running in a VM -- after this date? (Obviously license permitting, that is, non-OEM licenses.)

Has this question been addressed by Microsoft?

Solution 1:

A user on Microsoft Answers (thanks @Martin) says:

"Microsoft will also support the activation of Windows XP throughout its life and will likely provide an update that turns activation off at the end of the product's lifecycle so users would no longer be required to activate the product."

Please note that others also asked the same question: Will I be able to activate XP after 2014?

I haven't found any official documentation to back up any claims though. But a user on the Ubuntu forums has an interesting point:

If it's officially discontinued it would mean no support, so would you want to run it?