Adding lib to 'config.autoload_paths' in Rails 3 does not autoload my module

I place a file name g.rb in side Rails.root/lib folder The file content is like this:

module Google

Then I add

config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib #{Rails.root}/app/delayed_jobs)

to my Rails.root/config/application.rb

However, when I try to invoke Google from rails console, an exception is thrown. The exception goes away only if I execute require 'google'. Why? Shouldn't my file is autoloaded and shouldn't I access the module without any extra require statement?

Hmm, I discovered an interesting thing. In order for Rails to auto load my class, the class name should be compliant to the file name and the folder structure. For example, if I want to have Google module autoloaded, I must placed it inside google.rb, directly under /lib (incase I specify autoload from /lib). If I want to auto load Google::Docs, then I either place it inside google.rb or google/docs.rb

I had a similar problem with getting my module to run on Heroku. In addition to the autoload naming convention stated by Stephen C, I found out that the module code must be require'd due to a threadsafe assumption made by the Rails' production environment on Heroku (even though threadsafe was commented out in my production.rb configuration file.) As soon as I require'd the module file before calling include on the module, everything started to work.

require 'mymodule'
include Mymodule

Please take a look at this excellent article on the subject of getting Modules to load correctly in Heroku (production).