Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction? [closed]

Our web forms are really complex. What's a great solution for extensible form validation, preferably one that works with jQuery?


Our site has a bit of Ajax, but the real focus is on user experience through about 20 multi-page forms or "wizards." These forms are complicated.

  • Presentation: Some fields are floats or ints. Validation means stripping non-decimal characters, but we also want to make sure that, if a user enters 5 into a price field, the field is updated to 5.00.
  • Side effects: Some fields have side effects when updated. E.g., updating the price or quantity of an item needs to update a subtotal field.
  • Widget-driven elements: Some fields are hidden and have values populated by widgets. E.g., a map widget lets you point to a location and a hidden field is updated with latitude-longitude coordinates, but the location must be within a certain region.
  • Groups: Some fields are groups, like address/city/state/zip, and should only be validated when all of the fields have bee populated.
  • Server-side validation: Validation of some fields requires back-end checking via Ajax requests
  • Multiple forms per page: Sometimes a user needs to fill out one form before a dialog opens with another form. A framework has to be more versatile than binding to onSubmit — we sometimes post multiple forms in order from the same page using Ajax. (E.g., we let users sign up and create a widget in one swoop but, due to legacy systems, that flow requires two POST requests.)
  • Customizable error display: Sometimes errors appear above fields, sometimes the field style changes, and our new designs call for tooltip-like popups (ala qTip) for some errors.
  • Snappiness: User experience is key and tactile feedback is important. Any solution
  • Submit buttons: Clicking the submit button needs to validate everything and then show a response — but since some of the validation happens asynchronously.

We're currently using the jQuery Validation library but our forms appear to be outgrowing its capability. I've been looking at things like <angular/>, Knockout and Backbone.js, but I'm worried that they're too heavyweight or that they would require us to rewrite our frontend.

(This should be a community wiki.)

Solution 1:

This is a shameless plug, but might I volunteer a framework that I designed? I've built it based on annotations (a la Hibernate Validator). It has support for custom constraints and I feel that it is pretty powerful. Here is also a Stackoverflow question where I asked for a review of the framework.

  • Presentation: With custom validation-constraints, you can bind validation to the onChange element. Also, because Regula supports custom validators, you can have your custom validator update the value of a field (so change 5 to 5.00).
  • Side effects: Regula supports side-effects via custom constraint-validators.
  • Groups: Regula supports validation groups. You can target specific groups for validation. By combining a custom validator and a group, you can control the behavior of the validator so that it validates only when all elements of that group are filled (you would have to perform this check via normal Javascript though).
  • Server-side validation: With custom-constraints, you can make an AJAX call to perform server-side validation. With the way the framework is structured currently, this necessarily has to be a blocking ajax-call. I plan on adding an asynchronous feature in the future.
  • Multiplee forms per page: Regula isn't limited to validating one form per page. It can handle multiple forms (not sure if I understood your requirement correctly - so I might not have answered this part correctly).
  • Customizable error display: Regula doesn't do anything to the UI of the page as far as validation is concerned. When you validate, you get a set of constraint violations that contain error messages and such. It is up to you, how to display them.
  • Snappiness: I haven't performed any benchmarks, so I cannot comment as to my framework's performance in this regard.
  • Submit buttons: This is something I have yet to solve (asynchronous vs. synchronous).

Here are a few examples:

The following shows standard validation, with built-in constraints:

<input id = "myInput"
       name = "myInput"
       type = "text"
       class = "regula-validation"
       data-constraints = '@NotEmpty @IsNumeric @Between(min=1, max=5)' />

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    // must call regula.binnd() first. The best place would be in an
    // onload handler. This function looks for elements with
    // a class name of "regula-validation" and binds the
    // appropriate constraints to the elements


    jQuery("#myForm").submit(function() {
        // this function performs the actual validation
        var validationResults = regula.validate();

        for(var index in validationResults) {
             var validationResult = validationResults[index];

As you can see, you're only working with constraint violations, and so the manner in which you display the error message is entirely up to you.

Here's an example of a custom constraint:

   name: "MustBe42",
   defaultMessage: "The answer must be equal to 42",
   validator: function() {
      return this.value == 42;

And its use:

<input id = "theAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything" 
       name = "theAnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverything" 
       value = ""
       class = "regula-validation"
       data-constraints = "@MustBe42" />

Since the validator is a Javascript function, you can have it do anything (so this addresses your question about side effects).

Here is an example of another constraint that accepts parameters:

   name: "DivisibleBy",
   defaultMessage: "{label} must be divisible by {divisor}",
   params: ["divisor"],
   validator: function(params) {
      var divisor = params["divisor"];
      return (this.value % divisor) == 0;

And usage:

<input id = "number" 
       name = "number" 
       value = ""
       class = "regula-validation"
       data-constraints = "@DivisibleBy(divisor=3, label='The Number')" />

Here is an example of using validation groups:

<input id = "score"
       name = "score"
       type = "text"
       class = "regula-validation"
       data-constraints = '@IsNumeric(label="Score", 
                                      message="{label} needs to be a number!"
                                      groups=[FirstGroup, SecondGroup, ThirdGroup]' />

<input id = "age"
       name = "age"
       type = "text"
       class = "regula-validation"
       data-constraints = '@IsNumeric(label="Age", 
                                      message="{label} needs to be a number!"
                                      groups=[SecondGroup]' />

<input id = "name"
       name = "name"
       type = "text"
       class = "regula-validation"
       data-constraints = '@NotEmpty(label="Name", 
                                     message="{label} cannot be empty!"
                                     groups=[FirstGroup]' />

And a snippet that validates only FirstGroup (so only score and name are validated):

var constraintViolations = regula.validate({groups: [regula.Group.FirstGroup]});
var messages = "";

for(var index in constraintViolations) {
      var constraintViolation = constraintViolations[index];
      messages += constraintViolation.message + "\n";

if(messages != "") {

If you're planning on trying it out, I recommend downloading version 1.1.1. The current documentation matches that version specifically. In 1.2.1 I added support for compound constraints, but I haven't updated my documentation to reflect that.

I understand if this doesn't address all your concerns, or if this is not what you are looking for. I thought I'd just put it out there. Also, if you do check it out then I will make sure to update the documentation to reflect version 1.2.1. I've been busy with school and work and so I haven't had the time to do that.


Sohnee mentioned client-side validation. I'm actually working on an integration between Regula and Spring 3. Hopefully I should be able to release it sometime soon (depending again, on work and school). The integration works by translating Hibernate validation-constraints to Regula validation-constraints. This way, you only have to write validation code once (mostly). For custom constraints though, you will still have to write code on the Javascript side (the custom validator). But once you annotate code on the server-side with Hibernate validation-constraints, you don't need to do anything on the client-side; those constraints automatically get applied to form elements on the client-side.

Matthew Abbott has also been able to integrate Regula with ASP.NET MVC.


I've got a demo webapp (mavenized) on github that showcases the integration between Regula and Spring 3.0.x Web MVC using Hibernate Validator. It's not really documented or anything, it's more proof-of-concept. I plan to add some documentation to the github page about the integration and how it works.


I've updated the documentation on the wiki, and it now corresponds to the latest version, 1.2.2 (I made a little bugfix, which is why it is 1.2.2 now).

Solution 2:

I have used this jQuery formValidator several times in conjunction with a whole bunch of different environments. I hope it helps as I've rarely spent more than an hour setting it up.


Solution 3:

I would say the jQuery Validation plugin does a good job. I have it combined with the metadata plugin to pass the server-side validation parameters to the client. I've also wrapped a few key points to all forms so that I can use a common pattern for validation, and a few exceptional/custom states. This includes a custom alert message and display.

It does not do everything you want out of the box, but it is the best option and the best default behavior I've seen. Again, I do use the metadata (attribute "data-meta") with it. And it can be bent to your will. I'm also using metadata for control binding to input elements client-side. This splits my client-side logic from server-side, but easier in the long run over trying to inject js from the server-side logic.

Solution 4:

Parsley.js looks to be a nice and popular choice at time of writing (august 2013).