How to know when there is input through the terminal pipe line on C++ 11?

Solution 1:

C++ POSIX Standard

As far as I know, there is no such thing. There is a C POSIX library, which is part of POSIX standard.

So there is an alternative to them on the C++ 11?

There is no alternative in standard C++ (not before C++11, so far not after either).

You will need to depend on POSIX to get the functionality that you need.

Even in POSIX, it is the unistd.h which defines isatty. You've neglected to include it in your program.

Solution 2:

I'm not aware of a completely portable way to do this. As far as I know, standard C++ knows no information of where it's input comes from so you should just use isatty if you are working on a posix system.

Solution 3:

In C++17, you have the <filesystem> header which has a std::filesystem::status() function that returns a file_status object. You can access its type through the type() function, via the result for instance, and use a quick comparison to see if it's a type of your intended target. One really naïve approach to this would be something like:

auto result {std::filesystem::status(fd)};
if (result.type() == std::filesystem::file_type::character)
   // do some stuff in here 

where fd is the file descriptor to check. The above isn't full proof since there's no additional checks, but if it's a character type, it can almost certainly be equated to a terminal. If you have a compiler that supports C++17, <filesystem> can be really handy

NOTE: I am just starting out with working with <filesystem> so there may be some nuances I'm missing here and welcome any updates to the answer