hex/binary string conversion in Swift

Solution 1:

Data from Swift 3 has no "built-in" method to print its contents as a hex string, or to create a Data value from a hex string.

"Data to hex string" methods can be found e.g. at How to convert Data to hex string in swift or How to print the content of a variable type Data using swift? or converting string to data in swift 3.0. Here is an implementation from the first link:

extension Data {
    func hexEncodedString() -> String {
        return map { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined()

Here is a possible implementation of the reverse "hex string to Data" conversion (taken from Hex String to Bytes (NSData) on Code Review, translated to Swift 3 and improved) as a failable inititializer:

extension Data {

    init?(fromHexEncodedString string: String) {

        // Convert 0 ... 9, a ... f, A ...F to their decimal value,
        // return nil for all other input characters
        func decodeNibble(u: UInt16) -> UInt8? {
            switch(u) {
            case 0x30 ... 0x39:
                return UInt8(u - 0x30)
            case 0x41 ... 0x46:
                return UInt8(u - 0x41 + 10)
            case 0x61 ... 0x66:
                return UInt8(u - 0x61 + 10)
                return nil

        self.init(capacity: string.utf16.count/2)
        var even = true
        var byte: UInt8 = 0
        for c in string.utf16 {
            guard let val = decodeNibble(u: c) else { return nil }
            if even {
                byte = val << 4
            } else {
                byte += val
            even = !even
        guard even else { return nil }


// Hex string to Data:
if let data = Data(fromHexEncodedString: "0002468A13579BFF") {
    let idata = Data(data.map { 255 - $0 })

    // Data to hex string:
    print(idata.hexEncodedString()) // fffdb975eca86400
} else {
    print("invalid hex string")