.net Custom Configuration How to case insensitive parse an enum ConfigurationProperty

One of the ConfigurationProperty I have in my ConfigurationSection is an ENUM. When .net parses this enum string value from the config file, an exception will be thrown if the case does not match exactly.

Is there away to ignore case when parsing this value?

Try using this:

Enum.Parse(enum_type, string_value, true);

Last param set to true tells to ignore string casing when parsing.

You can use ConfigurationConverterBase to make a custom configuration converter, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.configuration.configurationconverterbase.aspx

this will do the job:

 public class CaseInsensitiveEnumConfigConverter<T> : ConfigurationConverterBase
        public override object ConvertFrom(
        ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, CultureInfo ci, object data)
            return Enum.Parse(typeof(T), (string)data, true);

and then on your property:

[ConfigurationProperty("unit", DefaultValue = MeasurementUnits.Pixel)]
public MeasurementUnits Unit { get { return (MeasurementUnits)this["unit"]; } }

public enum MeasurementUnits

MyEnum.TryParse() has an IgnoreCase parameter, set it true.


UPDATE: Defining the configuration section like this should work

public class CustomConfigurationSection : ConfigurationSection
      [ConfigurationProperty("myEnumProperty", DefaultValue = MyEnum.Item1, IsRequired = true)]
      public MyEnum SomeProperty
          MyEnum tmp;
          return Enum.TryParse((string)this["myEnumProperty"],true,out tmp)?tmp:MyEnum.Item1;
        { this["myEnumProperty"] = value; }