Text garble in batch script for wmic command

Solution 1:

Your problem is SYSTEMINFO produces ANSII output (as do most commands), but WMIC produces Unicode output. The two do not mix well.

Below are three solutions that all produce ANSII output.

1) Pipe the WMIC output to MORE

MORE converts Unicode to ANSII. I also pipe that result to FINDSTR to eliminate blank lines. The only problem with this solution is that a quirk with the conversions causes the WMIC output to have an extra carriage return at the end of each line (<CR><CR><LF> instead of <CR><LF>)

@echo OFF
>test1.txt (
  echo Manufacturer Information:
  systeminfo|findstr /c:"Host Name" /c:"OS Name" /c:"System Model:" /c:"System Type:" /c:"Total Physical Memory:"

  echo CPU Information:
  wmic cpu get Name /Format:list | more | findstr .
  wmic computersystem get NumberofProcessors /Format:list | more | findstr .

  echo NIC Information:
  wmic nicconfig where IPEnabled=TRUE get ipaddress, macaddress,defaultipgateway /format:list | more | findstr .


The remaining solutions are all properly formatted, without any extra <CR>

2) Write WMIC output to a temp file, followed by TYPE

The temp file is in Unicode format, and TYPE properly converts the Unicode to ANSII. I still pipe the result to FINDSTR to eliminate blank lines.

@echo OFF
>test2.txt (
  echo Manufacturer Information:
  systeminfo|findstr /c:"Host Name" /c:"OS Name" /c:"System Model:" /c:"System Type:" /c:"Total Physical Memory:"

  echo CPU Information:
  call :wmic cpu get Name /Format:list
  call :wmic computersystem get NumberofProcessors /Format:list

  echo NIC Information:
  call :wmic nicconfig where IPEnabled=TRUE get ipaddress, macaddress,defaultipgateway /format:list
exit /b

wmic %* >test.tmp
type test.tmp | findstr .
del test.tmp
exit /b

3) Run WMIC through two FOR /F loops.

The first FOR /F converts the WMIC output to ANSII, but it has the extra <CR> at the end of each line. The second FOR /F strips off the unwanted trailing <CR>. FOR /F automatically strips blank lines.

@echo OFF
>test3.txt (
  echo Manufacturer Information:
  systeminfo|findstr /c:"Host Name" /c:"OS Name" /c:"System Model:" /c:"System Type:" /c:"Total Physical Memory:"

  echo CPU Information:
  call :wmic cpu get Name /Format:list
  call :wmic computersystem get NumberofProcessors /Format:list

  echo NIC Information:
  call :wmic nicconfig where IPEnabled=TRUE get ipaddress, macaddress,defaultipgateway /format:list
exit /b

for /f "delims=" %%A in ('"wmic %*"') do for /f "delims=" %%B in ("%%A") do echo %%B
exit /b