How can I stop macOS from converting three dots "..." to a single threedot character "…"? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Go to System Preferences, select Language & Text, then the Text tab, and deselect the box for that option. enter image description here

Or you can disable the feature completely by deselecting the box at the top.

Solution 2:

In Mavericks at least, this seems to be controlled by the "Use smart quotes and dashes" feature found in System Preferences → Keyboard → Text. Uncheck the box, and the behavior goes away, even in Evernote.

System Preferences → Keyboard → Text → Use smart quotes and dashes

Solution 3:

If "Smart Quotes" is active in Keyboard Settings but you don't want smart ellipses, Edit menu in most applications on OS X Yosemite, unchecking "Smart Dashes" found in Edit -> Substitutions -> Show Substitutions stops autocorrect of three periods to ellipsis.enter image description here