Unusable Macbook pro screen

My Macbook screen has started flickering and is unusable:

enter image description here

I've tried restarting but does not fix. It seems to be isolated to the Macbook screen as an external monitor still works. It was not dropped or have any liquid spilt on it. What could cause the issue and how to fix?

Version information:

enter image description here


Seems to be the same issue as:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzNfrxcVowA&app=desktop

Initially, I could see the display up to 30 degrees of lid being open but now the display renders pink as per above screenshot.

It could be as simple as a worn or partly disconnected ribbon cable, but the centre section makes me think it's physical screen damage. Without hands-on it's hard to say.

Your choices are… re-seat or change the cable & see if it improves, or take it to a professional. The cables are very fragile and this new a Mac might be covered if it’s failing in the terms of coverage.

Your test of an external monitor eliminates the GPU being at issue. One further test would be take a screenshot & view it on the external monitor.