Change progressbar color through CODE ONLY in Android

This will help much no need to do so much coding :)

ProgressBar spinner = new android.widget.ProgressBar(


In the case that you need to tint the background and the progress bar in different colors.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
    <item android:id="@android:id/background">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="@color/white" />
    <item android:id="@android:id/progress">
                <solid android:color="@color/green" />

Its possible, programmatically, to decompound its layer-list items, and tint them separately:

LayerDrawable progressBarDrawable = (LayerDrawable) progressBar.getProgressDrawable();
Drawable backgroundDrawable = progressBarDrawable.getDrawable(0);
Drawable progressDrawable = progressBarDrawable.getDrawable(1);

backgroundDrawable.setColorFilter(ContextCompat.getColor(this.getContext(), R.color.white), PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
progressDrawable.setColorFilter(ContextCompat.getColor(this.getContext(),, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);


In newer versions of Android (21 works), you can change the color of a progressbar programmatically by just using setProgressTintList.

To set it red, use:

//bar is a ProgressBar

As I found help on a topic here but can't remember the link, I'm posting my full solution which works great for my needs:

    // Draw a simple progressBar from xml
    progressBar = new ProgressBar(this, null, android.R.attr.progressBarStyleHorizontal);

    // Convert the color (Decimal value) to HEX value: (e.g: #4b96a0)
    String color = colorDecToHex(75, 150, 160);

    // Define a shape with rounded corners
    final float[] roundedCorners = new float[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
    ShapeDrawable pgDrawable = new ShapeDrawable(new RoundRectShape(roundedCorners,     null, null));

    // Sets the progressBar color

    // Adds the drawable to your progressBar
    ClipDrawable progress = new ClipDrawable(pgDrawable, Gravity.LEFT, ClipDrawable.HORIZONTAL);

    // Sets a background to have the 3D effect

    // Adds your progressBar to your layout

And here is the code to convert DECIMAL color values to HEXADECIMAL:

public static String colorDecToHex(int p_red, int p_green, int p_blue)
    String red = Integer.toHexString(p_red);
    String green = Integer.toHexString(p_green);
    String blue = Integer.toHexString(p_blue);

    if (red.length() == 1)
        red = "0" + red;
    if (green.length() == 1)
        green = "0" + green;
    if (blue.length() == 1)
        blue = "0" + blue;

    String colorHex = "#" + red + green + blue;
    return colorHex;

I think the last method is not that clean but it works well.

Hope this well help, too much time wasted on this progressbar.