iCloud: Restore file which has been deleted a few days prior. How long possible?

Let's say I have deleted a file accidently a few days ago and I have discovered my mistake right now.

  • Is it possible to restore this file, when it was inside of the iCloud-folders?

In case a restore is possible:

  • How long is a file-restoration possible, starting from the day of deletion on backwards?

  • Restore file which has been deleted a few days prior. How long possible?

30 days.

Is it possible to restore this file, when it was inside of the iCloud-folders?


  • How long is a file-restoration possible, starting from a specific day on backwards?

30 days.

enter image description here

Answer for Mac computers only:

If you have a Time Machine backup, and your settings include your iCloud folder (usually located at ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs), then you can restore your file as long as there is a backup with that file.

This means that theoretically, it would be limitless, but in practise, just until the disk fills up with backups