Tell the end of a .each loop in ruby

If i have a loop such as

users.each do |u|
  #some code

Where users is a hash of multiple users. What's the easiest conditional logic to see if you are on the last user in the users hash and only want to execute specific code for that last user so something like

users.each do |u|
  #code for everyone
  #conditional code for last user
    #code for the last user

users.each_with_index do |u, index|
  # some code
  if index == users.size - 1
    # code for the last user

If it's an either/or situation, where you're applying some code to all but the last user and then some unique code to only the last user, one of the other solutions might be more appropriate.

However, you seem to be running the same code for all users, and some additional code for the last user. If that's the case, this seems more correct, and more clearly states your intent:

users.each do |u|
  #code for everyone

users.last.do_stuff() # code for last user

I think a best approach is:

users.each do |u|
  #code for everyone
  if u.equal?(users.last)
    #code for the last user

Did you tried each_with_index?

users.each_with_index do |u, i|
  if users.size-1 == i
     #code for last items