SQL Row_Number() function in Where Clause

I found one question answered with the Row_Number() function in the where clause. When I tried one query, I was getting the following error:

"Msg 4108, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Windowed functions can only appear in the SELECT or ORDER BY clauses."

Here is the query I tried. If somebody knows how to solve this, please let me know.

SELECT employee_id 
WHERE row_number() OVER ( ORDER BY employee_id ) > 0 
ORDER BY Employee_ID

To get around this issue, wrap your select statement in a CTE, and then you can query against the CTE and use the windowed function's results in the where clause.

    select   employee_id,
             RowNum = row_number() OVER ( order by employee_id )
    from     V_EMPLOYEE 
    ORDER BY Employee_ID
SELECT  employee_id
FROM    MyCte
WHERE   RowNum > 0

SELECT  employee_id
FROM    (
        SELECT  employee_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY employee_id) AS rn
        FROM    V_EMPLOYEE
        ) q
WHERE   rn > 0

Note that this filter is redundant: ROW_NUMBER() starts from 1 and is always greater than 0.

Select * from 
    Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( order by Id) as 'Row_Number', * 
    from tbl_Contact_Us
) as tbl
Where tbl.Row_Number = 5

I think you want something like this:

SELECT employee_id 
FROM  (SELECT employee_id, row_number() 
       OVER (order by employee_id) AS 'rownumber' 
       FROM V_EMPLOYEE) TableExpressionsMustHaveAnAliasForDumbReasons
WHERE rownumber > 0