AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlretrieve'

As you're using Python 3, there is no urllib module anymore. It has been split into several modules.

This would be equivalent to urlretrieve:

import urllib.request
data = urllib.request.urlretrieve("http://...")

urlretrieve behaves exactly the same way as it did in Python 2.x, so it'll work just fine.


  • urlretrieve saves the file to a temporary file and returns a tuple (filename, headers)
  • urlopen returns a Request object whose read method returns a bytestring containing the file contents

A Python 2+3 compatible solution is:

import sys

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
    # Not Python 3 - today, it is most likely to be Python 2
    # But note that this might need an update when Python 4
    # might be around one day
    from urllib import urlretrieve

# Get file from URL like this:

Suppose you have following lines of code

MyUrl = "" #Your url goes here

If you are receiving following error message

AttributeError: module 'urllib' has no attribute 'urlretrieve'

Then you should try following code to fix the issue:

import urllib.request
MyUrl = "" #Your url goes here