Using SOFLAM and Javelin by yourself

Solution 1:

Anti-Tank mines, EOD bots, Mortars, T-UGS, SOFLAM, MAV's, Claymores and Radio Beacons (provided you don't spawn on them) will not disappear upon death.

Only C4 disappears upon death.

Solution 2:

This is actually impossible. I've tried it earlier today, if you place a SOFLAM and commit suicide, re spawn as an engineer with a Javelin, the SOFLAM will be gone.

The only way to use SOFLAM and still take something down yourself is to use a Guided Shell for a tank or a helicopter. Even that is difficult, having to get out to laser tag (SOFLAM is meant to be autonomous but it's bugged to hell, doesn't tag things right in front of it sometimes) something then get back in, get a lock on and fire.

To sum up, no, you can't put a SOFLAM, suicide, and use a Javelin. It needs two people.