What are the cues that enemies are going to attack you in Plus Mode?

There aren't any as nice as the attack indicators you get during easy/normal play through. You have to watch and learn the indicators/movements that someone is about to punch, kick, or otherwise attack you. They do things like:

  • Pull there arm back before throwing a punch or slicing with a knife.
  • Take an attack stance.
  • Start to lift there leg for a kick.

It is definitely more challenging and requires more attention and detailed pattern matching. It takes awhile, but you'll slowly start to get better.

Here are some of my strategies:

  • Attack isolated inmates first, or small groups of isolated inmates. Use Evade to quickly move around the group, moving away from any cramped quarters. Don't let yourself get surrounded. There are too many inmates to watch and keep track of.
  • The Batwing Swarm is also a good move to use frequently. It stuns and isolates inmates, giving you time and space to attack.
  • Finally, Batman can't be attacked during the Takedown move, and enemies don't get back up after receiving it, so use it every chance you get.

Good luck!