Wiped out OSX (Mac Air), to install Ubuntu 13.10 which doesn't boot

What are my options? I tried to do a OSX recovery, but now the macbook air can't pick up my wireless (but wireless is definitely working). At this point, I'd be happy with either Ubuntu, OSX, or any Linux distro working.

I think the issue that you're running into has to do with UEFI. Perhaps simply waiting 30 seconds will reveal grub. In short Macbooks use this as a replacement for the traditional BIOS. Take a moment to look through the Mactel support teams installation instructions and be sure to follow the steps.

I usually keep a small partition that still has OSX installed for firmware updates as well as checking things out if I suspect a hardware problem. I also have a base image with OSX only should I want to bring the machine in to the Mac store for repair. I highly recommend considering a dual boot system.

Once you've looked over the general install instructions take a look at your hardware specific page. I made some assumptions about your version of hardware in this link but you can navigate the wiki should you have a difference version.

This is due to Ubuntu installation not writing the NVRAM correctly after installation. A simple fix is described at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro11-1/Saucy Step 5. You need to boot into a live mode through a USB drive to do this. Good luck.