Print Screen captures two Spaces not one

When I press the "Print Screen" the output captures both desktops instead of one!

This problem existed since I updated to Ubuntu 13.10.enter image description here

Update: I opened "Displays" from "System Settings", and found "Built-in Display" and "Unknown Display".

Solution 1:

When you have multiple screens connected, I assume that print-screen usually captures both monitors at the same. It happens to me even now though I'm on a 12.04 (LTS).

You have number of options to over come this but of course not just limited to Print screen.

  • You may use ALT+ Print screen (this will only capture the current active window but not the entire screens itself)
  • You may also use Screenshot app from dash menu, hit super (WIN) key & select Grab the current window (will take the last active window) or Select area to grab (required area can be selected) else the other options as required
  • Use Shutter Install shutter, pretty advanced screenshot application that lets you do a lot more than just take screenshots - including choosing where to save them

Source: How can I print-screen just one window and not my entire desktop?

Solution 2:

In order to have the screenshot of one display, the "Unknown Display" should be turned off from the Display window which can be found in "System Settings".