App Store Connect - Can't see my app rejection issues in TestFlight

I uploaded a build of my app to App Store Connect and submitted it to a group of external testers in TestFlight (without submitting to App Store).

The build status goes from "waiting for review" to "rejected":

enter image description here

The problem is that I didn't received the "Unresolved issues" or reviews. I searched in every page and can't find it.

How can I see "Unresolved issues" of a build in TestFlight only?

Solution 1:

Okay so this is how I found the resolution centre:

  1. Login to App Store Connect
  2. Select my apps
  3. Select the app with the issue
  4. In the AppStore tab, look on the left under General you will find Version History, click on it.
  5. On the right, you should see the Resolution Centre there as depicted below

enter image description here