Other examples of or name of an indefinitely repeating phrase in a sentence

I have a question up on here to do with a related pattern (epizeuxis - immediate repetition of a word or phrase).

Epizeuxis doesn't really cover the looping quality of your example. Other examples that come to mind are Gertrude Stein's '[A rose is a] [R]ose is a rose is a rose' lines, and indeterminate loops in computer code.

Other works that have this quality are songs such as 'There's a Hole in My Bucket', Michael Finnegan, Solomon Grundy, which I've heard rendered as an annoying loop, or the effect created by a Liar's Paradox.

Your 'over and over', by the way, is an Epanalepsis.

I recently came across a book of poems by John O'Loughlin called Ultracontemplations all of which employ repetition and looping.

You may want to also consider palindromes, the oruborus and the phrase Mary Queen of Scott took as one of her mottos, 'en ma fin git ma commencement' (in my end lives my beginning), which has a history that goes back to other examples, eg Machaut's double canon setting (score here).

I hope these provide suitable answers to your question and hope they lead to answers to the question I have up on here to do with a related pattern (epizeuxis - immediate repetition of a word or phrase).