Reapply Bad Omen if a player drinks milk until player triggers a raid?
Solution 1:
- With the following methods, Death and Totem of Undying are both ways to get ride of both effects
Avoiding clearing Bad Omen
First, We create a scoreboard to track when a player drinks milk and track who has the effect:
/scoreboard objectives add milk minecraft.used:minecraft.milk_bucket
/scoreboard objectives add bad_omen dummy
To prevent a player from using milk to remove the effect, we will do 3 steps:
- Mark who has the effect, setting their
score to the level of the effect. We will need one block of command for each level, you can only get up to level V (5) in vanilla. - Apply the effect in anyone who has at least score 1 of
- Reset
(In case the bad omen effect ran out naturally, either because of time or raid)
So we translate those to:
Step 1:
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:31b,Amplifier:0b}]}] run scoreboard players set @s bad_omen 1
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:31b,Amplifier:1b}]}] run scoreboard players set @s bad_omen 2
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:31b,Amplifier:2b}]}] run scoreboard players set @s bad_omen 3
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:31b,Amplifier:3b}]}] run scoreboard players set @s bad_omen 4
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:31b,Amplifier:4b}]}] run scoreboard players set @s bad_omen 5
Step 2:
/execute as @a[scores={bad_omen=1,milk=1}] run effect give @s minecraft:bad_omen 999999 0
/execute as @a[scores={bad_omen=2,milk=1}] run effect give @s minecraft:bad_omen 999999 1
/execute as @a[scores={bad_omen=3,milk=1}] run effect give @s minecraft:bad_omen 999999 2
/execute as @a[scores={bad_omen=4,milk=1}] run effect give @s minecraft:bad_omen 999999 3
/execute as @a[scores={bad_omen=5,milk=1}] run effect give @s minecraft:bad_omen 999999 4
Step 3:
/scoreboard players set @a milk 0
/execute as @a unless entity @s[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:31b}]}] run scoreboard players set @s bad_omen 0
Also, responding to your extra question, the way to dettect lvl is actually using Amplifier:<N>b
where N is the level of the effect starting from 0.
Avoiding clearing Hero of the Village
We will need:
/scoreboard objectives add HeroTime dummy
/scoreboard objectives add HeroLevel dummy
For that we do:
- Decrease one from the player HeroTime
- Check if he has HeroTime 0 and potion effect. If so, store his lvl and set his time to 24 minutes
- If he has HeroTime bigger than 0, reapply effect
- If his HeroTime is exactly 1, we clear the effect. This command needs to be at the end. As soon as the next cycle begins, the person with HeroTime of 1 will have 0 (Because of Step 1)
Step 1:
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1..}] run scoreboard players remove @s HeroTime 1
Step 2.1:
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:32b,Amplifier:0b}]}] unless score @s HeroTime matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @s HeroLevel 0
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:32b,Amplifier:0b}]}] unless score @s HeroTime matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @s HeroLevel 1
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:32b,Amplifier:0b}]}] unless score @s HeroTime matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @s HeroLevel 2
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:32b,Amplifier:0b}]}] unless score @s HeroTime matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @s HeroLevel 3
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:32b,Amplifier:0b}]}] unless score @s HeroTime matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @s HeroLevel 4
Step 2.2:
/execute as @a[nbt={ActiveEffects:[{Id:32b}]}] unless score @s HeroTime matches 1.. run scoreboard players set @s HeroTime 28800
Step 3:
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1..,HeroLevel=0}] run effect give @s minecraft:hero_of_the_village 9999 0
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1..,HeroLevel=1}] run effect give @s minecraft:hero_of_the_village 9999 1
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1..,HeroLevel=2}] run effect give @s minecraft:hero_of_the_village 9999 2
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1..,HeroLevel=3}] run effect give @s minecraft:hero_of_the_village 9999 3
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1..,HeroLevel=4}] run effect give @s minecraft:hero_of_the_village 9999 4
And step 4:
/execute as @a[scores={HeroTime=1}] run effect clear @s minecraft:hero_of_the_village