Multiline column copy paste in VS Code

Is it possible to do pasting in multiline editing (cursor |):

text1 = [|]
text2 = [|]
text3 = [|]
text4 = [|]

Assuming I have pasted the following lines:


I would like to have this result:

text1 = [val1]
text2 = [val2]
text3 = [val3]
text4 = [val4]

What actually happens is that the clipboard content is pasted four times, once for each cursor.

Something like mentioned in this answer, but instead of typing simply pasting:

Use column-edit instead of the multi-line edit mode:

  1. Click the end of the source text.
  2. Shift Alt, click the beginning.
  3. Copy.
  4. Click the end of the destination text.
  5. Shift Alt, click the beginning.
  6. Paste.

I had some trouble with this until I figured it out. The second selection ( where you want to paste ), must be the same length as the first selection, otherwise it pastes all items at each location ( instead of one item per row ).

I had to do this for hundreds of lines, mapping db columns. What I ended up doing to speed this is was creating an excel sheet with 3 columns:

COL1          COL2   COL3
text1 = [     val1   ]
text2 = [     val2   ]
text3 = [     val3   ]
text4 = [     val4   ]

And then searching and replacing tabs.