Implement page curl on android?

I'm doing some experimenting on page curl effect on Android using OpenGL ES at the moment. It's quite a sketch actually but maybe gives some idea how to implement page curl for your needs. If you're interested in 3D page flip implementation that is.

As for the formula you're referring to - I tried it out and didn't like the result too much. I'd say it simply doesn't fit small screen very well and started to hack a more simple solution.

Code can be found here:

While writing this I'm in the midst of deciding how to implement 'fake' soft shadows - and whether to create a proper application to show off this page curl effect. Also this is pretty much one of the very few OpenGL implementations I've ever done and shouldn't be taken too much as a proper example.

I just created a open source project which features a page curl simulation in 2D using the native canvas: I'm still working on it to add adapters and such to make it usable as a standalone view.

  • EDIT: Links updated.
  • EDIT: Missing files has been pushed to repo.