Create Hyperlink in Slack [closed]

At some point in 2020 or 2021, Slack added the ability to hyperlink text using either the formatting toolbar or markup, which most of us would call Markdown. According to the documentation for formatting messages and setting your message formatting preference, if you want to use markup, you have to first set your preference to Format messages with markup, and then you can link text in the usual Markdown way:

Here comes a link: [a link to Stack Overflow](

What follows is the second version of this answer when Slack first added the ability to hyperlink words. It was correct until sometime in 2020 or 2021.

Yes, Slack has the ability to hyperlink words, as long as Format messages with markup is unchecked under Preferences > Advanced to show the formatting toolbar. According to the documentation, start out with one of these:

  • Select text, then click the πŸ”— link icon in the formatting toolbar
  • Select text, then press ⌘ShiftU on Mac or CtrlShiftU on Windows/Linux.

Then do this:

Copy the link you'd like to share and paste it in the empty field under Link, then click Save.

What follows is how this answer used to read when it first became so famous. It was correct until about February 2020.


As a couple of commenters said, and as the Slack documentation says:

Note: It’s not possible to hyperlink words in a Slack message.

In addition to the ⌘ShiftU/CtrlShiftU solution, you can also add a link quickly by doing the following:

  1. Copy a URL to the clipboard
  2. Select the text in a slack message you are writing that you want to be a link
  3. Press ⌘V on Mac or CtrlV

I couldn't find it documented anywhere, but it works, and seems very handy.