How do I rip audio from a DVD?

  1. Inspect DVD with following command

    pg@pipoTower: ~$ tcprobe -i /dev/sr0

    look for line where chapters is like following:

    [dvd_reader.c] DVD title 1/1: 17 chapter(s), 1 angle(s), title set 1
  2. Rip all titles to mp3 where for example {1..17} is the number of chapters of your dvd

    for i in {1..17};do 
      transcode -x null,dvd -y null,tcaud -i /dev/sr0 -T 1,$i,1 -a 0 -E 44100,16,2 --lame_preset medium -m ~/tmp/yourDestinationMp3File_chapter${i}.mp3;

    For details of command:

    • -T title,chapter,angle (described by your tcprobe command in point 1.)
    • -a audioTrackNumber
    • -i inputDevice
    • --lampe_preset can be: medium, standard, extreme refer to man transcode for further details

Here's what you're looking for: Handbrake.

It's a fairly useful tool for what you're trying to do. To install, add the ppa ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases to your software sources (here's how to do that) and install handbrake from the Software Center.

For a proper Ubuntu approach I'd suggest to have a look into ffmpeg (command line). Example:

ffmpeg -i infile.wmv -vn -acodec copy outfile.wma

Or, if you want an MP3 file:

ffmpeg -i infile.avi -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192 -f mp3 outfile.mp3

Also there is another PPA software called Gnac; it's a GNOME software that uses the Gstreamer media framework and has a GUI.

Launchpad PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnac-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnac

Use VLC's "open media" menu option to open the DVD, set the title to the one you want (you may have to explore the DVD by actually starting to view it, to get the title number).

Then instead of telling VLC to play it, tell it to stream it to a file.

Works great - you may have to use audacity to trim the results, as VLC will go back to the menu after playing the title you selected... so you'll get the menu track on infinite repeat at the end of your file :)

Building on this answer and this post, I came with a similar solution for extracting uncompressed WAV files. Use tcprobe -i /dev/sr0 or lsdvd to determine the DVD title with the chapters of interest, then (assuming 17 chapters in title 1):

for i in {1..17};do 
  transcode -i /dev/sr0 -x dvd -T 1,$i,1 -a 0 -y wav -m /tmp/track${i}.wav

In my case this results in WAV files containing lpcm 16bit 48kHz 2Ch, same as the tracks on the DVD. You can check the resulting files using mediainfo.