Alternative to MySQL Workbench? [closed]

Is there a free alternative to MySQL Workbench? I really need a visual database designer that doesn't crash every five minutes.

Check this link for a nice GUI Tool for MySQL.


enter image description here

SQLyog MySQL GUI is a MySQL manager and admin tool, combining the features of MySQL Administrator, phpMyAdmin and other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL GUI tools.

Check out this free utility called HeidiSQL:

Here's another one called EMS MySQL Manager:

I've been using MySQL Workbench for a little over a year now. I use it for several hours each day. It used to crash on me on a daily basis however it has improved significantly in the last 6 months or so. I'm not sure if you're aware but every few weeks they release a new minor version. The latest version is 5.2.37 and it's been working quite well for me. If you haven't updated your installation please consider that before searching for an alternative.


squirrel SQL is a Java/JDBC database tool. It isn't database specific, but you can use with whatever DB you have JDBC drivers for. Clunky at times, but useful.

Eclipse SQL Explorer which can be used within eclipse or as a standalone client. It also uses JDBC.